These forms are available free of charge from any Department of Immigration and Border Protection office or may be downloaded by clicking on the form number.
47SP Application for Migration to Australia by a Partner
40SP Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia
888 Statutory declaration by supporting witness in respect of an application to remain permanently in Australia on interdependency grounds.
( A minimum of two supporting statutory declarations is required but it is preferable to submit six or seven if possible.
Form 888 is to be used only by Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia . If it is used outside of Australia by an Australian citizen or permanent resident, the declaration should be made before an appropriate officer at an Australian diplomatic mission.
Persons who are neither Australian citizens nor permanent residents making declarations in Australia should use the general form of statutory declaration (MS Word 28kb)
Persons who are neither Australian citizens nor permanent residents making declarations in a country other than Australia should use the form of declaration appropriate for that country. In a country other than Australia, Australian citizens or permanent residents not making a declaration on Form 888 at an Australian diplomatic mission may use the form of declaration appropriate for the country where the declaration is made.)
80 Personal particulars for character assessment
National Police Records Check Application. General information on and applications for National Police checks
Character requirement, penal clearance certificates
160 Radiologist report on chest x-ray of an applicant for an Australian visa. (F or use only in Australia).
26 Medical examination for an Australian visa (For use only in Australia)
1005 Application for bridging visa. (Complete Part A to apply for permission to work if existing visa limits or does not permit work.)
See “Other Relevant Publications”
47SP Application for Migration to Australia by a Partner
40SP Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia
888 Statutory declaration by supporting witness in respect of an application to remain permanently in Australia on interdependency grounds.
( A minimum of two supporting statutory declarations is required but it is preferable to submit six or seven if possible.
Form 888 is to be used only by Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia . If it is used outside of Australia by an Australian citizen or permanent resident, the declaration should be made before an appropriate officer at an Australian diplomatic mission.
Persons who are neither Australian citizens nor permanent residents making declarations in Australia should use the general form of statutory declaration.
Persons who are neither Australian citizens nor permanent residents making declarations in a country other than Australia should use the form of declaration appropriate for that country. In a country other than Australia, Australian citizens or permanent residents not making a declaration on Form 888 at an Australian diplomatic mission may use the form of declaration appropriate for the country where the declaration is made.)
80 Personal particulars for character assessment
Character requirement, Penal Clearance Certificates
Radiologist report on chest x-ray of an applicant for an Australian visa.
Medical examination for an Australian visa.
If you are applying outside Australia you do not have to complete health checks before you lodge your application. The relevant Australian mission will advise applicants when the medical examination and X-ray needs to be conducted.
Applicants will be provided with the relevant forms and directed to a doctor, selected by Australian authorities, in their country of residence.
Booklet Partner Migration
Fact Sheet 30 Family Stream Migration - Partners
Fact Sheet 35 One-year Relationship Requirement
Fact Sheet 38 Domestic Violence Provision
Fact Sheet 34 Assurance of Support
Fact Sheet 79 The Character Requirement